Pool Hashrate

525.04 GH/s



Miners: 29 Workers: 72
Net Hashrate 12.35 TH/s
Network Difficulty 12.38 T
Block value $0.02
Block Height:
Block time: 1 Seconds
Est time to find block 23s /
Algorithm: WalaHash Fee: 2%
{{ $t('myStats.lblRoundEffort') }} {{ roundEffortPercentage !== null ? (roundEffortPercentage * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : 'N/A' }}
Avg Effort 96%
Earnings: PPLNSBF70 Min Pay : 2 WALA
Pool Wallet waglayla:q
Super effort Good effort 100% Unlucky effort Bad effort

Stratum Servers

au au.mining4people.com
br br.mining4people.com
eu eu.mining4people.com
in in.mining4people.com
jp jp.mining4people.com
us-west us-west.mining4people.com
us-cent us-cent.mining4people.com
us-east us-east.mining4people.com

Secured Connection
23362 8H
33362 64H

Not Secured Connection
3362 8H
13362 64H
43362 1.02 K


Supported on all ports.


MMr supported on ports: 3362, 13362, 43362

How to Start


Mining on Windows GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Windows
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Waglayla address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm walahash --pool stratum+tcp://eu.mining4people.com:3362 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Linux GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Linux
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Waglayla address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
./SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-cpu --algorithm walahash --pool stratum+tcp://eu.mining4people.com:3362 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Hive Hive OS

  1. Click the flight sheet JSON below
  2. Go to Hive OS-farm (page that shows all workers)
  3. Click on Flight Sheets tab
  4. Click on Import from Clipboard
  5. Create Flight Sheet and add wallet
  6. Run flight sheet on workers!
{ "name": "M4P-Waglayla", "isFavorite": true, "items": [{ "coin": "wala", "pool_ssl": false, "dpool_ssl": false, "miner": "custom", "miner_alt": "srbminer_custom", "miner_config": { "url": "eu.mining4people.com", "algo": "walahash", "pass": "", "miner": "srbminer_custom", "template": "%WAL%", "install_url": "https://github.com/doktor8/SRBMiner-MULTI/releases/download/2.7.4/srbminer_custom-2.7.4.tar.gz", "user_config": "--algorithm walahash --disable-cpu --pool eu.mining4people.com:3362 --wallet %WAL%.%WORKER_NAME% --password x" }, "pool_geo": [{ "url": "eu.mining4people.com:3362", "geo": "EU" }, { "url": "br.mining4people.com:3362", "geo": "BR" }, { "url": "us.mining4people.com:3362", "geo": "US" }, { "url": "in.mining4people.com:3362", "geo": "IN" }, { "url": "asia.mining4people.com:3362", "geo": "JP" }] }] }

Getting a Wallet

Before you can start to mine you need to create a wallet. Although Waglayla is an entirely digital asset, you still need a place to store them. This is done in a digital wallet. There are multiple methods to obtain a wallet which vary by ease of use and the security they provide.

Official Wallets

Official first-party Wallets for all major platforms are available from the Waglayla Github. These wallets are released and maintained by the Waglayla Team.

Coin Info

Miner Hashrate
waglayla:qp563j5t06cekc5r58dan9jacr7rdun8pfm8l2t8mxrh3nrr8jz0k383vvhzg 105.51 GH/s
waglayla:qprph7xd8kw87x8qxu655vngc2pw7m2pqcsnggjej7w4h0l3peh0khp9a36dm 77.47 GH/s
waglayla:qrhz3fxrvp9eptpqc3q4yrq35pe00y62nvfrnjq99254ywt4sxjdjz2a38eh0 49.25 GH/s
waglayla:qr9lcawg2tevlpyfsf5kq8lew5ev5cccyqa4ahwvcdr52lw7xkwxzg4xwaqtz 31.02 GH/s
waglayla:qzm3dl9ldt2gscrjpaad2y4pgdceela4ugwxlhy69e4wspncyqsdc4zqnfsj0 30.94 GH/s
waglayla:qqhr9vaa293r8va98hxadas4pvku5p5kt5v5hf6emmvxrzt7s4qlqf5fd6sgq 28.66 GH/s
waglayla:qzjgrtqleh60zrlag37n07plv8zd5ggq3cfztaka8egjxyn40lxhj5uum4hpq 27.39 GH/s
waglayla:qqlfvz9jhy356uchw3ywvnset5gpeus04k7jhxj229hxzyazfza8skq3h30pz 26.31 GH/s
waglayla:qzj5c6rdq53lxyv399w2zrmxw0dtfrc7g3qmy2kmfp7u4l0vgzqav4erxv7ye 24.16 GH/s
waglayla:qpkcnsl4dq8ut4cfc3qfj50jnemnm7dj8fm0xhmrw7sn4l9mt09k74gmmmche 22.02 GH/s
waglayla:qqx22remg8atugfntvf5dxdvhdgxzw8r4hdxx6rl682c2knvmfk2s559esfka 21.20 GH/s
waglayla:qqt7q6mq4608vh8yvcszdpdvym29l3xa9sgva446ydm5fxugn694s0kujr9n4 18.07 GH/s
waglayla:qqf9xznvg3dfn2xwjd6ul8l45wf7wa9ggw97qnqm9ff2hjtaksms632j87kz4 14.77 GH/s
waglayla:qpfrxfvf48ns73cvmxprkgdf6j4f2ytrrpftqh2wseh5vkvk874yk20nqsj58 7.97 GH/s
waglayla:qr890fq4emehlqnua6hq8uplk4t5cacvg7z0qvurgrgs58j9lhfyvqnpxvavj 6.37 GH/s
waglayla:qpdawyxc0rpk4f0cszmehh92y4q6xmul4hnsgk6ndkl0sya5hvph5kdy8upp6 6.01 GH/s
waglayla:qpq6jzk95x952074dm37fsnap36qpszc0l76y85hucap5n7dpcduws82hsk49 4.68 GH/s
waglayla:qr49aqa4znhatszxlu5k8lz4z42sqkh06lxell9pvq5ncxv8pq6nyphp692pg 4.54 GH/s
waglayla:qr55yatyzx4f4ys8wlz45w9qm3yq7e2ghe5jcdggktf2vd5m9tz27s0364u7w 3.65 GH/s
waglayla:qrlklwtrxsljcscrpq876latqan7q2zgyjmmgvuaffhrplcntlywq6467tylz 2.58 GH/s
waglayla:qq6mjmsuq0j6zj5g6djtqq9q0g4nm0jlgsheprlx6uskr93znc0ws6s05mdsr 2.34 GH/s
waglayla:qpkdefwamknarfnqw9lrpky48t629jsqyerq5ex7qcudk7xhecgzj6mdpkjgv 2.28 GH/s
waglayla:qzh756wacr6ze5g8z9pqd08pv4mgtt9mp5n7sg75prky3s0wtj5euq5zw778n 1.90 GH/s
waglayla:qp52t3lt5qu058vl7yz6m5urvdzqp48zqaw96h65l943wtz29ykf6e3rxu8lt 1.78 GH/s
waglayla:qrsg8vsufxg77cwj342fny63d6r0us4ntzcrdn2u3ctl6whaklh5vf7s80pkd 1.53 GH/s
{{ msg.time }} -